Stanley Thornton the 31 year old adult baby!

People often say that in order to lower your stress rate, you need to keep the inner child alive. But what if there was a person who kept it alive all day, every day? Sounds a little weird, but that’s exactly what 31-year-old Stanley Thornton does. He lives a double-life – as an adult outside the house and a baby inside. Some see it as a psychological condition, and others call it a fetish, but Thornton says it’s only his method of letting go of stress.

Thornton’s typical day goes like this: Every night he goes to sleep in his giant crib, dressed in a playsuit, with colorful mobiles hanging from the ceiling. In the morning, his mommy wakes him up and feeds him with a bottle or a spoon. He then changes into adult clothes when he goes outside. But he’s back home in the evening and into his baby clothes again. It’s playtime and he’s occupied with Legos, stuffed animals and a giant high chair. Thornton was 13 years old when he was abused and started wetting the bed at night, so he started wearing diapers. He then gradually began to realize that he liked and wanted all the comforts of babyhood. At age 20, he started day wetting and wearing a diaper full time. The strangest part here is that the woman caring for him is not really his mother!! Sandra Diaz is Thornton’s roommate, and voluntarily cares for him as a mother would for her child. “I love him like he is my favorite nephew,” she says. “He is like my family member who lost his mother, and I’m like the aunt stepping in and saying I’m still here for you.”

Thornton used to go to work as a security guard, but after an accident, he now receives disability benefits for a heart condition. Apparently, he’s not the only one who likes living a baby life. In 2000, he started a website for other ‘adult babies’ where people could find it easy to find mothers and babies. But Thornton is quick to point out that none of these people have any sexual interest, they only derive comfort from living like a baby. “I like to be treated like a baby, just to get the love and affection, safeness, just to go back to a time when you’re caring for a one or two year old.” Stanley says he knows he is over aged and oversized for such childish games, but ever since he was a teenager he has found comfort in his private obsession.