Cool Elevator Notes!

While surfing the internet we stumbled upon some of the coolest and funniest elevator notes, we guarantee you will enjoy a nice big laugh after you check them out.

Nice one (link)

Christine from L.A. spotted this rather harsh version in the elevator of a 7-story university residence hall. (Link)

Must love  their honesty (Link)

The guys who live on floors one through four must be in amazing shape from constantly opting to take the stairs. (Link)

This was taken by screenwriter Leslie Rann in the elevator of her LA apartment complex. It's hilarious how they explain the exact science of the smell moving around. It should really say, “Please do not remove head from ass while in elevator. We prefer all your holes to be plugged while in public places.” (Link)

This will give me second thought to even live in that building! (link)

Fed up! (Link)

You go, Garry! (link)